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Warning Signs to identify any rising Mental Illness

Updated: Jun 27, 2020

According to the WHO, Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. It recently also includes spirituality as another dimension to observing one's health. The above-mentioned factors all contribute to the wellbeing and health of an individual. However, due to imbalance in any of these dimensions can lead to illness or maladaptive behaviors. and any diversion from the balanced position of the various dimensions of health causes disturbance in one's physiological, mental, and social functioning. although the early signs are noticed in the physiological sphere, here in this article we discuss few indicators that can be used as Red Flags for gaining the earliest insight of one's deteriorating health. You can scan for yourself or your loved ones for these signs and then consider consulting with a mental health professional for further clarification and treatment.

The following are some signs that you can look for-

1 Confused thinking

2 Social withdrawal

3 Extreme and sudden mood changes

4 Feeling irritable

5 Increased or decreased in sleep

6 Increased or decreased in appetite

7 Not being interested in activities you previously enjoyed doing

8 Difficulty in focusing or concentrating

9 Unexplained and frequent headaches or body aches

10 Excessive worry or fear

11 Seeing or hearing things that aren't there (hallucinations)

12 Suicidal thought

13 Increased substance use

However, these are some of the common warning signs that can indicate whether there is an emerging mental illness in you or your loved ones. But saying so this list is not to be used for self-diagnosing any mental illness or disorder, rather be used as an initiative helping you in seeking help from mental health professionals. It must also be considered that the presence of symptom does not necessarily direct towards serious mental illness, rather can be a temporary response to exposure to a stressful situation, emotional disturbances to transitional circumstances.

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