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How to deal with big changes in your life

Changes are an integral aspect of anyone's life. Some are good and lead us towards a positive outcome and some are difficult for us to go through but there is no way in which one can avoid the process of change. Sometimes the individual is baffled with the decision that he has to take due to the coming change and sometimes the individual is scared of what he has to leave behind and go. This can lead to mental health conditions such as stress, anxiety, depression, and cause damage to one's wellbeing.

Here are a few tips which can help you manage the stress that one undergoes while the process of change occurs.


The individual undergoes through a lot of negative consequences many times due to not acting within the time frame and lives in a state of denial wherein he loses that valuable time that could have been utilized to plan and strategize for the upcoming change. The earlier one individual accepts the change the faster he moved ahead. One must also accept the fact that he can undergo a lot of stress but the way one deals with the stress plays an important role in the change causing any sort of impact is it a positive or a negative one.


One attitude can influence our outlook on things and situations and is also influenced by one's own experiences and personality dynamics. A positive attitude towards change can influence one's decision making immensely and help one focus on the details rather than getting driven by one's emotions and losing track. don't let yourself get blinded by your emotions and you can achieve clarity in your decisions.


Transitions are made healthy and easy when an individual understands and prioritizes one's life and situation. Making a to-do list and discussing with friends or family can help you bring up to the things that are important for you. Resilience is an important thing that can help one deal with the big changes in their life. Task completion gives a sense of achievement and helps the individual to bounce back into life with new energy.


Any task completion requires commitment be it any small or large. Commitment strengthens one's motivation which helps in making decisions as well as keeping us on track to reach our final goal. Staying on track might feel difficult sometime and you might lack that motivation to keep yourself going but keeping yourself committed to the process and the aim can provide you with the motivation that you require.

Focus on Here-and-Now

The power of having control over one's thoughts and feelings and staying in the present is not questionable. this is the ultimate power that any individual can have to sustain on the course of achieving one's goals and staying focused. Once there is any diversion to the mistakes made in the past or the fears of the future the attention and focus shifts which then causes problem to sustain motivation and achieve the aim. Focusing on the present and the problems in hand help keep us going and winning the war, by winning small battles.

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